Re: RARA-AVIS: HB/Noir Parodies

From: sonny (
Date: 30 Oct 2007

Thanks for this info, Nigel. I'm going to look for it.

And thanks to everyone participating in this thread.

--- Nigel Algar <> wrote:

> Richard Hallas¹ YOU PLAY THE BLACK AND THE RED COMES UP, first published
> in
> 1938, resides comfortably in the noir pantheon and is accurately
> described
> by Lee Server as Å’a kind of tough-guy Alice in Wonderland, if Alice was
> an
> army-deserting, freight-hopping, opportunistic schmo and Wonderland was
> Hollywood¹. However there is a strong suspicion, shared by Server, that
> Hallas, in reality an Englishman who also penned LASSIE COME HOME, was
> gently guying the genre, albeit with great affection. Parody or not,
> it¹s
> still a fine book ­ and regrettably Hallas/Knight¹s sole excursion in
> the
> genre as he died in a WWII plane crash.
> Nigel

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