Kevin Burton Smith <kvnsmith@...> wrote:
> And 300 was much the same, all fat and precious
little meat. Except
> it added the gay element. So homophobic 14-year olds
could look at
> naked sweaty, well-built men and not have to wait
for football
> season. It's got to be about the gayest straight
movie ever made.
As a gay man on the list, I have to wholeheartedly agree with
this. Not only is the movie homoerotic in its every sinew and
fiber, it even presents competing gay styles for your
delectation (the hypermasculinized, six-pack-abs,
pseudo-leather-bar style of the Spartans versus the
simpering, multiply-pierced, heavily made-up, party-boy
dance-club style of Xerxes and his entourage).
Previous holder of the "gayest straight movie ever made"
title: Top Gun.
I also have to agree about the homoerotics of football. One
of the funniest bits I have ever run across on the Internet
is this observation by Noah Diamond:
"Football and homosexuality - just something I like to point
out. I have no problem with football, and I have no problem
with homosexuality - I just have a problem with the fact that
the obvious link between these two things is so rarely
advertised. Football wears the cultural mantle of the
ultimate heterosexual machismo trip - something straight guys
love, and something many straight guys feel only a gay guy
would dislike. But that's a lie. What football actually
represents, I think, is the acceptably mainstream expression
of the heterosexual male's closeted obsession with
homoeroticism. Say it with me. There is nothing gayer than
football. You'll never see a ballet, for example, more
homoerotic than a football game. Never! Go to a ballet, and
men are dancing with women; go to a football game, and men
are patting each other on the ass. Which is the least of it.
Fuck, I'll bet most gay porn isn't as homoerotic as a
football game - that testosterone-dripping event in which a
bunch of big, strong guys line up, bend over, jump all over
each other, and then go take a shower together."
Best regards, Mark Harris
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