Mark wrote:
But on this forum, at least, they should be related to the
literature (as you did with your examples, Huck Finn and One
Flew). This discussion of the death penalty totally lost its
grounding in literature a long time ago.
************** Killing as a solution to problems permeates
hardboiled and noir. Although I have no objection to a
request for a discussion to begin with a specific reference,
the extension of it to general principle seems not only
logical but desirable. Near as I can tell, that's just about
where the discussion is now.
I don't savor the idea of what we would discuss if religious,
political, and moral issues invoked by hardboiled and noir
were deemed off-limits. I have no problem with "Great plot,
interesting characters." Been there done that and going back
again, but it is subtext and interpretation as well as
entertainment that drives my interest in reading.
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