--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "jacquesdebierue"
<jacquesdebierue@...> wrote:
> --- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Jack Bludis
<buildsnburns@> wrote:
> >
> > Double spacing posts is causing them to be less
> > at least to me.
> I urge posters to resist the temptation to use fancy
formatting. Plain
> text is just fine. And trimming the post you're
replying to is a good
> idea. This is a high traffic list and it's a good
idea to make posts
> easily readable. And if you get the digest, PLEASE
don't quote the
> entire digest... The cleaner, the plainer and the
shorter, the better.
And notice it's usually the most dubious and poorly
thought-out positions that come all dressed up?
At least we don't have to suffer the pretentious gits who
used to post all in lower case anymore. I guess they grew up
or lost interest.
It's amazing, on a list that celebrates hard-boiled fiction,
a traditionally taut and terse style, that some members feel
they have to "girly" up their posts with colour and different
typefaces and the like.
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