Ditto on the thanks to Al for the great article on Marlowe.
It was especially interesting to me that some questioned
whether Marlowe's amnesia was real and if real, what might
have been the cause. It reminded me of how difficult making a
diagnosis can be.
As for the rewrite of THE NAME OF THE GAME IS DEATH, wasn't
that the result of Marlowe converting the original
novel--published as a stand- alone--into the first of the
Earl Drake series? I always thought that when Marlowe
(perhaps at the publisher's urging) decided to make the lead
from NAME into a series, he needed to go back to the original
book and do some retrofitting.
Naturally, I can't put my hands on my books by Marlowe to
refresh my memory.
Richard Moore
--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, DJ-Anonyme@... wrote:
> Al,
> Thanks for pointing out the article on Marlowe.
Fascinating stuff.
> Since it's on your site, I assume you have contact
with its author,
> Charles Kelly. Does he know anything about the
rewrite of Name of
> Game, why it was done?
> Mark
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