Up here in western Canada, I had to ask our local independent
mystery store to bring a couple of the early Hard Case Crime
books. At the time they didn't know about them. Then they
brought in a few, which didn't sell that well so they stopped
getting them. They didn't even stock the Stephen King. At the
same time, McNally Robinson, Canada's most successful
independent that now even has a store in New York City,
devotes a well-marked shelf to Hard Case and brings in every
new title. Down the mall from McNally's flagship store,
Zellers, a discount department store, often has older Hard
Case books marked down to $4.99. I haven't seen any copies in
our Walmarts. I also think that people who purchase Hard Case
books likely are keeping them because I've only spotted a
couple of copies in local thrift stores and none at our major
hospital book sales. I know I'm keeping mine.
Kent Morgan
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