I don't know how Ace paperbacks sold, but Hard Case is
bringing back their concept next year with a Robert Bloch
double. Both titles, Spiderweb and Shooting Star, which were
both published by ACE, although, I don't think they were in
the same volume. Stark House has also done some doubles of
Gil Brewer, Harry Whittington and Day Keene. The Stark House
ones are larger format and run $20 each however.
And, as a footnote, ACE earned its place in literary history
by being the first publisher William S. Burroughs ever had.
They published Junkie under the pseudonym William Lee in
1953. Allan Ginsberg acted as Burroughs' agent.
In my opinion Hard Case's $6 paperbacks are the new $2
paperbacks, and Dorchester, which distributes Hard Case does
a lot of paperbacks in similar price in other genres,
although none of them are branded as well as HC. So
relatively cheap paperbacks are still around.
On 10/12/07, Jack Bludis <
buildsnburns@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Patrick King said: "I'd love to see a return to a
$2.00 paperback book.
> Don't tell me no one can make money doing
> Not much left in the margin for profit. We have to
face it, everything has
> suffered from inflation, not only the price of
books, but what people want
> for their money. Best selling writers can get away
with it--sometimes.
> I recently picked up a $9.99 paperback of Robert B.
Parker's HUNDRED
> DOLLAR BABY, flipped through it, and put it back on
the rack.
> It might not be a bad idea for publishers to do
three novellas or two
> short novels in a single volume. But they're
probably unwilling to try that
> too.
> I think it was Ace who did double volumes a long
time ago, in a world far
> away, but I don't know how they sold. Anybody
> Jack Bludis
> http://crimespace.ning.com/profile/JackBludis
> http://jackbludis.com/
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