Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Cain and Hammett

From: Patrick King (
Date: 12 Oct 2007

Frankly, Jim, this is a problem with the law that needs to be changed. There's too much theology and superstition in US jurisprudence. The idea that any man can kill a young woman, go to prison for "life," and be released on good behavior after 7 or so years, puts the lawmakers in league with the murderers. What does it say to the families of victims? That the murderer of your relative is more important than his victims. That he's going to do some valuable thing that makes his freedom significant to society. That his life is more important than theose he took. The US judiciary is not competent to deal with these types of criminals. Citizens groups of Regulators or Vigilance Committees would best dispense with these people. I don't suggest vengence. I suggest practical extermination. Such people are a scourge in any society in which they manifest. Don't tell me it's not a deterrent. Ted Bundy hasn't killed anyone in years.

Patrick King

--- JIM DOHERTY <> wrote:

> Patrick,
> Re your comments below:
> "Denis Rader, The BTK Killer, is certainly a
> psychopath, but his psychosis was not the hope of
> gaining a 14th Century icon and making a fortune
> selling it on ebay. He enjoys torturing families and
> killing them all slowly. These were people he'd
> never
> met before. Being crazy doesn't excuse this; do you
> think?"
> Actually, it does, both legally, and, in most
> religions, theologically. You have to know what
> you're doing, and choose to do it, in order to be
> held
> responsible for it.
> The reason Rader's doing time is precisely because
> he's NOT crazy. He's just evil, and being evil is a
> conscious choice he made.
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