Long time lurker and quite infrequent poster here. I am a
noir/hard-boiled aficionado by choice, a filmmaker and
painter by trade, splitting my time between France and the
US. This anecdotical thread on rye made me dig up a 1999 S鲩e
Noire book entitled "Le livre de cuisine de la S鲩e Noire"
featuring 150 recipes from various S鲩e Noire published crime
novels, with such luminaries as R. Chandler, Bill Pronzini,
Ed McBain, Westlake, Robert B. Parker, Block, Leonard... On
the left page is the quote from the novel, and on the right
page is the cooking recipe. Great fun. One should go ahead
and do the same with cocktails. I see one shortcoming: the
last recipe is based on a page from Donald E. Westlake's "Le
ciel t'aidera" (Heaven will help?), where one character
messes with a cappuccino; on the adjacent page are recipes
for Cappuccino, Café ®oisette, Café ¡u lait, Café –iennois and
Irish coffe. But no mention of café ®oir... jean-pierre
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