> --- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Mark D. Nevins"
> wrote:
> <<P.S. Has anyone read Julian Barnes's pal
Martin Amis's "hardboiled"
> novel NIGHT TRAIN? I tend to be mixed on Amis, but
have not yet tried
> that one.>>
I read it and enjoyed it greatly.
I was 20 at the time and was not yet a part of this list.
Back then I didn't specifically seek out harboiled and noir
fiction, I just went home with whatever looked interesting in
the New Books section of the local library, which led me to
Thomas Cook, Connelly, Block, Ellroy, Lehane and Pelecanos.
Night Train fit just fine with the rest of the books I was
enjoying at the time.
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