Mario wrote:
The Op is clearly a professional.
************* Not clear to me. At least not in Red Harvest.
Red Harvest is personal.
__________________________________________________________ If
a professional is one who operates with NO personal
involvement, then yes, the Op is not a professional. But I
tend to agree with Mario on this one. The Op may have crossed
the line, but doesn't that make him human? A more appealing
character? Less professional as a result?
Doesn't George Smiley do essentially the same thing when
dealing with Karla in Smiley's People?
This is a problem for all of us at some point. In my recent
novel The Lost Sheep, my protagonist acts on a personal
matter by using skills he's acquired in his profession. He
crosses the line, but I think that makes him real which
serves to highlight those time he acts otherwise and thereby
is seen as a "professional".
Just a thought.
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