Re: RARA-AVIS: Archer/Ross Macdonald

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 21 Aug 2007

Mario wrote:

He's a pretty mysterious writer, and Archer gives you nuthin', you have no idea what he's thinking.

************** You have no idea what Archer is thinking? Totally different from how I remember it. Read the first five pages of Black Money and tell me you don't have an idea of what Archer is thinking. If I recall correctly (dangerous. it's been three years) this is the novel that starts with the pool or country club scene and Archer has got a deprecating comment going for just about everybody in sight. Near as I can tell, it's obvious what he's thinking: he's just disgusted with all them cheap phoney losers. When I get home maybe I can dig up some quotes to verify this. Or maybe I'm wrong.


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