From the aftwerward, Spillane was working on 4 books
simultaneously before his death, Dead Street, an adventure
book that I believe Hardcase is going to be publishing, and 2
Mike Hammer books that sounded close to completion. If you're
a fan of Spillane (which I am), this book's a gift, if you're
not, don't bother. The book has all the classic Spillane
elements--paranoia, toughness, violence, honor and payback.
The plot is post 9-11, and deals with a two threads, a tough
but honorable retired cop--mostly in the Mike Hammer mold,
discovering that the woman he loved who he thought was killed
20 years earlier is still alive but with her memory wiped
out, and stolen radioactive material that some shady
terrorists are planning to use to dwarf 9-11. The writing is
solid--even in his 80s Spillane didn't miss a beat, and like
other Spillane books, is as good or better than any crime
pulp books out there. Highly recommended for fellow Spillane
--Dave Zeltserman
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