Re : RARA-AVIS: Plunder of the Sun: The Movie

From: andré ¤ussolier (
Date: 29 Jul 2007


I didn't see the movis you're speaking about, but you are quite unfair with the Duke. Beside, not everyone can play soldiers and cowboy like him (and I'm thinking of Glenn Ford even though I like him very much) AD

----- Message d'origine ---- De : Nathan Cain <>
: rara-avis-l <> Envoyé ¬e : Dimanche, 29 Juillet 2007, 20h33mn 03s Objet : RARA-AVIS: Plunder of the Sun: The Movie


            I just caught the 1953 movie version of David Dodge's Plunder of the

Sun on Turner Classic movies. It was passable, but not great. The most

notable thing about it was the scenery. It was all filmed on location

in Mexico, and the ruins Glenn Ford was all right as Al Colby,

although he wore a black suit the entire time and came off as more of

an imitation Sam Spade than a treasure hunter. It wouldn't have hurt

to have him lose the tie, but maybe everybody always wore ties

everywhere in 1953. There was also a voice over, which was entirely


The climax was also turned into your run of the mill gunfight. Don't

know why that was necessary. The guy who talks in between films on TCM

said John Wayne's production company made the film and that Wayne

considered starring in it, but passed. I'm glad he did. Wayne could do

soldiers and cowboys, but that was about it.




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