At 10:46 AM 28/07/2007, you wrote:
>"Shakespeare's Macbeth comes to mind. Great noir
scene with her trying
>to wash the blood from her hands. Lots of
(gratuitous?) violence, too.
>Bill was a crowd pleaser."
>"So, do you think Macbeth is psycho noir? Who is the
psycho? I can't see
>Macbeth as noir, let alone psycho noir..."
>Kurosawa made it as Throne of Blood, but I don't
consider it noir.
tragedy- transcendence possible, but not achieved noir-
precludes transcendence hardboil- tough and colloquial
I think it's time we admit too that the popular notion of
noir runs very close to Jim's definition (dark and sinister)
and thus rendered the term meaningless, as predicted
Best, Kerry
Literary events Calendar (South Ont.)
The evil men do lives after them
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