I found a listing of Vintage's titles on the Vintage
Crime/Black Lizard site. The link should take you to it. You
can sort by publishing date (sorted from most recent to
earliest), author, or title. Does this help?
--- In, "Mark D. Nevins"
<nevins_mark@...> wrote:
> Do any of you have a complete listing of the books
published in TPB
> form by Vintage Crime back in the early '90's, after
they took over the
> Black Lizard catalogue?
> I've done some poking around the 'net, but have had
no luck finding a
> bibliography. (A complete Black Lizard list, on the
other hand, is
> easy to find.)
> I'd be interested to see the list out of general
curiosity for their
> choices, as well as to fill in some gaps in my
collection. (For
> example, it appears that they re-printed all of the
Himes "Coffin Ed
> and Grvaedigger Jones" books except, somewhat
inexplicably, for one of
> them--ALL SHOT UP.)
> Thanks for any help,
> Mark Nevins
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