--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Charlie Williams"
<cs_will@...> wrote:
> I've got a DVD of SERIE NOIRE, the French adaptation
> WOMAN starring Patick Dewaere. It's a great film but
I can't
> understand all of it. No subtitles!
> Anyone know if a subbed version is available? This
ranks as a major
> Thompson adaptation.
> PS: Speaking of Dewaere, Thompson fans might want to
check out LES
> VALSEUSES, a film he starred in with Gerard
Depardieu. Not noir but
> there's something Thompsonian about it. Also you can
get it with
> subtitles.
With Miou-Miou... Another great Depardieu film from that era
is Marco Ferreri's _La derniè²¥ femme_ (The Last Woman). Few
directors could beat the great Ferreri when it comes to
really funny grotesquerie. This one is funny up to a point;
the story is serious, scary in fact.
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