--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Michael Robison
<miker_zspider@...> wrote:
> Mario wrote:
> At the risk of offending somebody, which is not
> intention, this is like mentioning John Huston
> Tarantino in the same breath.
> **************
> No offense taken, Mario. Of course, as Richard
> has pointed out, I have been limiting my comparison
> The Real Cool Killers and the first three
> novels, not the oeuvre of both writers. So far
> haven't seen anything here to change my
> miker
Before the sweep of comparison get too wide and firm based on
four novels you really should read more by both Spillane and
Himes. In my opinion, you have yet to read the best work of
either writer. I think the best Hammer novel is ONE LONELY
NIGHT. Max Allan Collins called it the "quintessental Hammer"
and William De Andrea said in many ways it was the key book
in the series.
The same is true of the Himes novel although it has been a
while since I read that one. So much depends on the context
of when novels are read. My discovery of Himes came when at
14 I bought the Avon edition of ALL SHOT UP in 1960 in a very
segregated little town in Georgia. It completely blew me
away. Perhaps, I gave it additional points for originality
because of the context of the reading. Regardless, it was one
of my my most memorable reading expriences.
Now that I think of it, at the time I read the Himes novel,
Spillane was one of my great favorites.
Richard Moore
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