--- William Ahearn <
williamahearn@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> Johnson's best work? I can't even take
> seriously.
> I'm not trying to be difficult or sound like
> kind
> of a snob -- a snob I am not -- but
I have a hard time taking THIS seriously. You sure sound like
a snob! Have you seen the movie? It started the career of
Jennifer Connelly, included a wonderful performance by
Virginia Madsen a la Stanwick. If you're so narrow minded you
can't see past Miami Vice and all the money Johnson made from
that, so you just naturally have to dismiss the name, well,
who could possibly take you seriously? There was a time I
felt that way about John Travolta, and I was wrong, too. In
the hands of the right director, even you might pull off a
good performance. The Hot Spot is a good story, sensibly
crafted, well directed, with a series of fine performances. I
can think of several "classic" noirs that don't measure up to
Patrick King
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