RARA-AVIS: Giving away books again...

From: bookbitch ( BookBitch@yahoo.com)
Date: 25 May 2007


I'm giving away books again, so enter before May is gone to win...

BABY SHARK'S BEAUMONT BLUES by Robert Fate - This baby is a killer, but in a good way, sort of...this is terrific hard boiled 1950's fiction, don't miss it!

BANK by David Bledin - if you're a fan of the NBC sitcom, The Office, you will love this book!

WHACK-A-MOLE by Chris Grabenstein - Down at the shore hasn't been this creepy since, well, the last Ceepak novel.

ADDLED by JoeAnn Hart - a rich and riotous story of old money, new ideas, and the power of passion to disrupt even the most orderly of worlds.

FREE FOOD FOR MILLIONAIRES by Min Jin Lee - in this stirring debut novel, America the melting pot is seen through the eyes of Korean- American Casey Han.

BEFORE I WAKE by Robert Wiersema - a contemporary spiritual thriller set in Victoria. Think "Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code meets Philip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy" - an age-old battle between good and evil set against contemporary life.


One lucky winner will win these autographed books, courtesy of the INTERNATIONAL THRILLER WRITERS:

STRIKE FORCE by Dale Brown THE DEAD PLACE by Stephen Booth BOBBIE FAYE'S VERY (VERY, VERY, VERY) BAD DAY by Toni McGee Causey BAD LUCK & TROUBLE by Lee Child LEOPARDS KILL by Jim DeFelice BLOODTHIRSTY by Marshall Karp THE FIRST STONE by Judith Kelman
  Just go to the Win Books page http://www.bookbitch.com/win_books.htm for all the details on how to enter.

Thanks for reading, and good luck!

Cheers, Stacy who's thrilled about going to ThrillerFest in NYC in just 8 weeks!

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