Mark wrote:
It's been a while since we've discussed comics/graphic novels
and since I've visited a comic book store. So what's
recommended among recent ones?
************** I sat down and paged through 300 after seeing
the movie. Not bad. Same guy who did Sin City, I think, but I
can't recall his name. I noticed that the 300 movie did not
follow the graphic novel frame-for-frame like Sin City. I
think I preferred the movie. It had more cool fantasy
creatures. Really state of the art in animation. There are a
lot of scenes that it's hard to tell are animated.
As a footnote, I was somewhat surprised that they got away
with the bad guy as a big effeminate black character. It was
a stretch beyond politically correct.
I just now saw that the title of the thread was noir comics.
300 was way hardboiled with a bloody ending, but it wasn't
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