DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net wrote:
> Ed asked:
> "I'm about halfway through Bill Pronzini's Nameless
> title,
> MOURNERS. His co-workers are referring to a "Bill"
and it
> struck me
> (duh) they referring to Nameless. Does anybody know
> title he
> started becoming Bill?"
> It was the first crossover novel (can't remember
which was
> first, Twospot?). He explains in the intro that the
> bit was fine while he was writing, since he could
control the
> dialog, but a name was required when he became a
character in
> his collaborator's chapters.
Thanks, Mark. I'll go back and look for it. Do you mean the
other characters (like Kerry, his wife, Jake Runyon, and
Tamara Corbins) in the series? I notice they refer to him as
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