RE : Re: RE : RARA-AVIS: Locations and English translations

From: E. Borgers (
Date: 25 Apr 2007

None are writing in English.
  Existing English translations :
  -Yasmina Khadra
  -Taibo II
  Italy : only Camilleri, I think
  -Diez : I really do not know- but then if it's no, it's a lack of attention by the publishers
  -Diaz Eterovic: ?
  -Padura : ?
  I suggest you run a Google session to double check: All these names in my first message are contemporary writers.
  It could be also that you have to cross-search between UK and US publications; Khadra, for instance is published in the USA.
  E.Borgers POLAR NOIR http://www.geocitie

jordan_mcpeek <> a 飲it : --- In, "E. Borgers" <webeurop@...> wrote:
> Strange enough there is Icelandic noir, even very bleak.
> Well written, low key thrillers/suspenses are the procedurals by
Arnaldur Indridason, in a series with chief inspector Erlandur in Reykjavik. Seven novels were produced until now (2006).
> Chile anybody?
   How many of these are in English or English translation?

Jordan in Winnipeg


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