RE : RARA-AVIS: E.Richard Johnson Interview

From: E. Borgers (
Date: 18 Apr 2007

Your translator slipped heavily, even on the English/English bits present in the French text you explored.
  This interview comes from a specialized magazine, better than an average fanzine but not a trade magazine, published in France during the 80s (1980-89), titled: HARD-BOILED DICKS…
  There were 22 issues all designed by Roger Martin, a fan of American hard-boiled literature. Articles were not only from him, but also from knowledgeable collaborators. Later Martin will write himself dark mysteries.
  Most of these interviews are valuable, as published during a period not very rich in publications supporting and analyzing mystery lit. and even less so for noir/HB, in France and elsewhere.
  For each writer there was a dossier made of several articles.
  In these days good and reliable info about the writers were difficult to get, so any interview could help. Even today Martin's H-BD is a base of info (even if it has to be completed and in some cases amended).
  Among the writers he presented in his magazine:
  Don Tracy, Steve Marlowe, Wade Miller, Joseph Wambaugh

Willow Arune <> a 飲it : I noted that Sue Feder's article on Johnson referred to an interview with a French magazine, tracked that down easily enough and ran it through a Web translator. The result - not great but understandible, is below:

Discussion with Richard Johnson according to correspondences of October the 5, and 25 1983, August 10, September 4, and 24 1984.

Published in number 13 of Dick's Hardware-Boiled, entirely devoted to Martin Brett and Emil Richard Johnson and conceived and carried out by Roger Martin impression To reduce the size of the Aggrandir text size of the text

Six novels published with the Black Series of 1968 to 1972 announced to the attention of the amateurs of black novels the name of Emil Richard Johnson. They testified to a real talent, an undeniable control of the style and an original inspiration. Also there was nothing astonishing so that the first title in question, the Herrings have good back (Silver Street) received Edgar of the best first detective novel allotted by Mystery Writers of America in 1969. Moreover, the noise which ran that Johnson was in prison under the blow of a charge of murder, added an unquestionable curiosity to a work which did not raise interest badly. Emil Richard Johnson wanted well, of its cell to the prison of Stillwater (Minnesota) to raise the veil for the readers of Dicks Hardware-Boiled.

R.M. Emil Richard Johnson the first question, most delicate. How be you arrived here, in prison?

R.M. How did you come to the writing?

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