Mark asked: Exactly why are the thugs not "real criminals"?
Aren't they pursuing a life of crime?
*********** Actually they're not intentionally pursuing a
career. They tend to be victims of their environment. They
learn that they have to be tough to survive and that the rule
is, "Do unto others before they do unto you." Their crimes
are almost always crimes of opportunity and they seldom have
the resources to cover their tracks as, for example, Ripley
has. If they do get in with "real criminals," they're used as
cannon fodder, given the most dangerous jobs that are least
likely to avoid detection. They make their bones in prison by
observing omerta after which they're known as "stand up
guys." If they turn over to to cops, they're killed. Such
people are of disposable purposes for cops and of no value to
professional criminals at all. The lucky ones get to drink
themselves to death. The others die young.
Patrick King
--- wrote:
> Patrick wrote:
> "Most real criminals are very very wealthy people.
> . . I'm not
> talking about thoughtless and resentfull
> thugs who are just
> struggling in a hard environment."
> Exactly why are the thugs not "real
> Aren't they pursuing a
> life of crime?
> Mark
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