RARA-AVIS: Korean noir ?

From: E. Borgers ( webeurop@yahoo.fr)
Date: 05 Apr 2007

I'm looking for references concerning the Korean noir and hard-boiled novel.
  I really do know nothing about this branch of modern noir/HB, I can just suspect it is existing. Just remember some of the best recent Korean movies, some being lessons in noir; so I guess there must be a corresponding literature.
  Problem is of course the translations. Do some exist?
  Thanks for giving me some clues.
  Due to the specificity of the subject, if you know some novels just being of the crime genre (inclusive traditional novels) -not necessarily HB/noir- written by Korean authors, thanks for letting me know.
  On top of it, if you think some of them are good readings, do not hesitate to give your opinion.

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