Mind if I forward this bit of news to the Fictionmags group?
They might be interested in this autobiography. Thanks.
Monte Herridge
----- Original Message ----- From: <
ejgorman99@aol.com> To: <
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Monday, March 05,
2007 1:47 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Steve Marlowe
> Ed Gorman's blog recently ran a short piece by
Stephen Marlowe on his
> experiences collaborating with Richard S. Prather on
> TROUBLE. --Jim Doherty
> Jim, this piece led to Steve agreeing to write his
autobiography which
> Stark
> House plans to publish sometime next year. Steve's
publishing history
> dates
> back to 1949 and Amazing Stories and Fantastic
Adventures and continues
> on
> with sales to Manhunt and other crime magazine--plus
selling to just about
> every
> pb house extant in the fifties and sixties. In the
seventies and eighties,
> living abroad and traveling as usual, he wrote
several international
> bestsellers
> in the thriller mode. Then in the nineties he wrote
two massive mainstream
> novels that were widely embraced by the literary
establishment. Peter
> Rabe, John
> D. MacDonald, Richard Prather and so on-- he knew
them all. This should be
> one
> hell of a book.
> Ed Gorman
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