RARA-AVIS: Re: Hardcase Crime/Charles Ardai question

From: hardcasecrime ( editor@hardcasecrime.com)
Date: 28 Feb 2007

It's funny -- I didn't find that. Again, without giving too much away, we're talking about a man who starts the book feeling like he's coming apart, disintegrating; then he finds something that gives him purpose and hunger and drive again, and it drives him to do something terrible; and then he is driven to atone for that terrible action, and the atonement is terrible too. He gets punished plenty in my eyes, and his emotional reaction (fear, shame) seems about right to me.

But of course each reader reads a different book; each reader constructs the character in his head slightly differently. So I can't say your reading of it is wrong -- just that I didn't have the reaction you describe.


--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Ollerman" <ollerman@...> wrote:
> I just finished "Robbie's Wife" and enjoyed the writing immensely.
> spoiling anything though, I never felt that Jack Stone addressed
his actions
> and the consequences thereof with what I would consider natural
emotions and
> responses. So this didn't ring true to me at all and left me with
> unfilled void.
> My question for Charles, which I hope may be of interest to the
list, is
> whether he found the same thing? And if so, did he address this in
> with the author?
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