Re: RARA-AVIS: Who changed the noir writing ?

From: Patrick King (
Date: 27 Feb 2007

My vote goes to Dennis Lehane. While I enjoy Elroy and Peace, their plots are so scattered I can never tell whether the endings make sense or not. With the exception of Shutter Island, which is brilliant even though you don't know what's going on until the end, Lehane's novels make use of logical plot evolution and powerfully flawed characters. Of the one's I've read, he's about the best.

Patrick King
--- andré ¤ussolier <> wrote:

> Hello fellow members
> After having read American Skin (Bruen), I was
> wondering which writers set the new standards of the
> noir writing ? Since, let's say the 2000, who really
> changed the way of writing crime fiction, and who
> are the new references for the future ?
> I was thinking of David Peace, Ken Bruen, Maurice
> Dantec (for the french).
> Any ideas ?
> A.D.
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