I have serious doubts about the existence of a mystery
writer, claimed to be born in Scotland in 1869, named HELLERY
I could not find traces about him in my many
reference books, nor on the Internet except there for…
Italian publications ! Many Italian sites speak of this
-does somebody knows something else about Hellery
Brown than the short bio found in Italian texts (see
hereunder) ?
-could it be a pseudonym for a non-British
-is it simply a kind of fallacy launched in Italy
by some writer or publisher (apparently at least two books
are still published) ?
Any fact is welcome.
BIO (copy)
"Hellery Brown seems to be born in a shabby
quarter of Edinburgh around 1869. He died the year England
declared war to Germany at the age of 43 in mysterious
circumstances. His corpse was found in the Calanais Stone's
circle, in the shade of the thirteen stones. As a passionate
of occult sciences, he devoted himself to the study of
philosophical and religious truth through esoteric and
gnostic revelations. He took part of a limited group of
initiates that practised ancient Celtic rites. He wrote some
novels that were destroyed by a mysterious stake. It seems
that only a few manuscripts were drawn in safe by somebody
that jealously conserves them in an abandoned abbey in
Scotland. Two manuscripts were stolen from there: his
presumably first manuscript "The wet-winged butterfly" and
"Deep Unconscious" "end"
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