--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Frederick Zackel"
<fzackel@...> wrote:
> From today's The NY Times review of "POOR PEOPLE" by
William T.
> As his devotees have come to expect, many of these
> settings involve prostitutes or drugs. Here's one:
"The Mexicali
> prostitute Angelica, who came into my room at the
end of a night's
> stinking of urine and sweat, assured me: I'm not
poor because I can
> Here's another: "She had flaccid, smelly flesh and
wide brown eyes;
she fell
> asleep in my lap and there were lice in her
beautiful brown hair."
> (Whoa!)
This kind of thing, if it really sends you, will be drowned
in 200- 700 pages of sludge about Vollmann himself as
antihero, or other similar deadly dullness, if he's up to his
usual standard.
Todd Mason, for whom WV is a bê´¥ noire, indeed
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