At 06:22 PM 12/02/2007 -0500, Mark wrote:
>"We must protect the children" has been a clarion
call to quell all
>descent for at least a century.
Isn't Dickens credited with popularizing the idea of
childhood as a time of idealized innocence subject to adult
exploitation? Previously kids, or at least teens, were
regarded as smaller versions of adults, with perhaps a little
less experience.
Personally I prefer the notion of youngsters as morally blank
slates in constant need of guidance and correction from their
elders and betters. Send 'em all to bible boot-camp. Teach
'em some discipline and respect, I say, and don't spare the
To reach a little further back in this conversation, who says
child molesters are automatically without morals? Isn't it
possible the chicken-hawk code of ethics simply does not
regard sex with juveniles as immoral, in the same way that
many good Christians do not regard driving SUVs as immoral?
As Jim said, they may not be your morals, or his, or mine,
but as long as there's a moral involved, a work of art is
That was your point, wasn't it Jim?
Okay, now let's define truth. Kerry
Literary events Calendar (South Ont.)
The evil men do lives after them
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