Terrill Lankford wrote:
> Aren't we on DorothyL? The last few days it
> certainly seemed so.
The fact this appeared almost concurrently with Bill's
> I think we've had enough discussion of that panel at
Left Coast Crime.
> Further discussion should be done off-list in
private e-mail.
> Let's get
> back to talking about what writers write.
... is just another example of why Rara is so great.
I may wander off now and then to other lists, like a straying
husband on a lost weekend, but somehow I always come back --
simply because this is the best, most intelligent and
well-moderated forum on crime fiction there is.
Maybe if you'd have a few public breakdowns and encourage
brown- nosing a bit more, Bill, you too could be honoured at
some crime conference and have people raise some cheap plonk
in your general direction. Me? I figure, why wait? I'm doing
it now.
The horror stories that have come from some lists (everything
from moderator meltdowns to BSP orgies and menopausal hen
parties) have never happened here -- because they have never
been allowed to develop. And that's almost totally due to
Bill's helmsmanship. He's smart and tough and honest and fair
-- ideal qualities for anyone who dares to moderate, be it a
list or a panel discussion.
So it's no mistake that Rara has become a favourite hangout
of some of the most articulate writers, readers and fans of
the genre. That's because we all continually offer -- to the
best of our abilities -- passion and intelligence about a
genre we all love, not starry-eyed groveling and slack-jawed
horn tooting.
Thanks for a great party, Bill.
Now it's back to the "bad soup" thread....
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