The new EUROPOLAR 8 international magazine is on line.
This time, among others, you will find the
following articles in English:
- presentation of the first volume of Francis
Lacassin's Memoirs; this French essayist, a specialist for
genre literatures, did an early pioneering work in France,
since de mid-sixties, in order to rehabilitate fiction in all
its forms, from crime stories to adventures and juveniles. He
was also the editor of an incredible re-issue of the
*complete* works (52 volumes issued in mass paperback
edition) of Jack London in the seventies, allowing the French
readers to rediscover the value of this then underrated
- The detailed presentation of a specialist
bookshop: "Hammett" in Berlin (Germany)
- Novels and short stories reviews. In this
chapter, among others from European origin, the presentation
of a crime novel written during WWII by a painter belonging
to the Belgian surrealists group: Max Servais- title: The
Lion's Jaws (La gueule du loup - first published in
- An agenda of the 2007 events : conventions,
conferences, gatherings…etc
To access EUROPOLAR, the magazine fully devoted
to European crime and mystery fiction, go to:
If you read another language, besides English,
you will discover even more original articles produced by
editors in Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and France (but
most of them are translated in five languages).
You may also access to the older issues of the
magazine, by following the link "Archives", at the bottom of
the Summary page.
Another way is to access to the previous articles
is by the links given by the graphic labels, found at the top
of any page (e.g.: "Fiction" leads to a list of all the short
stories which were published in EUROPOLAR).
I think it's worth a visit.
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