Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: The Long Goodbye

From: Brian Thornton (
Date: 13 Feb 2007

Terrill wrote:

"Jim, you're assuming Altman thinks being a loser is a bad thing. If you look at just about any of his films it is pretty clear to see that he sympathizes with the losers over the winners every time."

Yeah, sure. Take THE PLAYER, for examp- oh... uhhhh.... that is....

Seriously though, the above statement struck me as incredibly glib.

For what it's worth, I don't think that Altman's characters were ever "real" to him. It always seemed to me as if for him, directing actors was a bit like moving chess pieces around on a board, and if you've gotta sacrifice a knight and a few pawns.... well.

Your Mileage May Vary-


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