Re: RARA-AVIS: Re:The Long Goodbye

Date: 12 Feb 2007

Patrick wrote:

"Take a look at Polanski's much more successful Chinatown. Polanski openly stated he was trying for the Chandler mystique."

A sleazy PI who specializes in divorce cases is hardly Chandler's noble knight.

"Unlike Altman, though, Polanski didn't have to pay for the rights!"

I'm sure Robert Towne didn't come cheap.

However, it's interesting that you'd raise Chinatown to counter a movie that is notorious for changing the ending of its source material. To Towne's great dismay (although it didn't stop him from accepting an Oscar for the original screenplay), Polanski radically changed the ending of Chinatown, and producer OB Evans backed him. He also rewrote several other key scenes. Now because this was based on an (at that time) unpublished screenplay, few had read the source material, sidestepping readers' expectation of faithulness, but Polanski did exactly the same thing to Chiatown that Brackett did to Long Goodbye.


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