Re: RARA-AVIS: Re:The Long Goodbye

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 09 Feb 2007

Je suis compl败ment d¹accord avec Richard...and welcome his plea...

Le Montois de Dé´²oit
> I have to ask: are you serious or is this a send-up?
> Do you think the opinion of Chandler fans in 1973 moved the box
> office at all? Of course not. So why should the producers care?
> The going against the Chandler grain would have helped the buzz--
> given the reviewers something to write and been a net positive.
> AChandler fan, I saw the movie when it was released and quickly
> realized I was in for a far-flung trip. I was not a fan of Elliot
> Gould (who, along with most movie-goers in 1973, I considered
> a 'leading man' not a character actor) but after a bit of
> adjustment, I enjoyed the movie. It helped that I was a Leigh
> Brackett and Sterling Hayden fan and was curious about the
> performance of Jim Bouton. I bought the DVD over the holidays and
> hope to view it again soon and form a current opinion.
> Does the existence of "Satan Met a Lady", the 1936 film, detract
> from my opinion of the Dashiell Hammett novel THE MALTESE FALCON or
> the John Houston film adaptation of 1941? Of course not. So let us
> celebrate or criticize the Altman film without getting too
> hysterical about it.
> Richard Moore

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