RARA-AVIS: Re: E. Howard Hunt & Raymond Chandler

From: JIM DOHERTY ( jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com)
Date: 29 Jan 2007


Re your question below:

"You really think so? Even at the height of Watergate, do you think he had more name recognition than, say, Agatha Christie and/or Mickey Spillane, maybe Ian Fleming?"

I did say "arguably." Clearly he didn't have the staying power they did in terms of general public name recognitiion that Christie, Spillane, Flaming, et al, had and have.

It IS worth remarking on, though, that he was, at the height of Watergate, world-famous for a short time, and yet, despite his productivity and prolificity, it wasn't his books he was known for.

And his fame was great enough, at that point, that many of the books previously published under pseudonyms, were reprinted under his real name.


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