----- Original Message ----- From: "ninposamurai" <
ninposamurai@yahoo.com> To: <
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Wednesday, January
24, 2007 2:19 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Carroll John Daly
> Ok. I should have asked,Does anyone like, Carroll
John Daly,and why? Do
> you know of any sites,with info,on him? Thanks A
Lot! ------------ J.B.
I don't think Carroll John Daly was a very good writer,
although there's a nice line here and there. And I've enjoyed
everything I've ever read by him in spite of that, because he
was a good storyteller. Those things usually go hand in hand,
but not always.
James Reasoner
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