RE : RARA-AVIS: OT: personal news

From: E. Borgers (
Date: 24 Jan 2007

Congratulations, Jim.
  DEADWOOD and its crew really deserve the sunlights and rewards.
  Personally, one of the best series I've seen. Ever.

Jim Beaver <> a 飲it :
          Tooting my own horn:

I've been nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award as part of the ensemble cast of DEADWOOD. The awards are broadcast live this Sunday, January 28 on both the TNT and TBS channels. The times are 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 Mountain, 7 Central, and 8 Eastern, I believe. Tune in if you can. Maybe you'll see me and my sister Denise on the red carpet. If that's your idea of a good time.


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