In chapt 7 of TMF, Cairo asks Brigid "exactly" what did
happen to Thursby, and she traces the "G in the air" that
supplies the chapter title. There ensues a veiled exchange in
which they debate the "difference" it makes (or not) whether
Gutman is on the scene. She manifests impatience, while he
apparently doubts her show of bravado, suggesting it makes "a
world of difference" if Gutman is on their trail.
"Intentionally or not" (I guess that means with lots of
intention), Cairo surreptitiously points at Spade, at which
Brigid shows more impatience and says, in effect, "[yes,
Spade] Or me . . . or you." Cairo agrees ("Exactly"), and
adds to the growing group "most certainly" Wilmer, the
undersized shadow. All of this, of course, leads up to the
taunting and counter-taunting about a boy that Cairo "had"
but that Brigid "couldn't make" in Constantinople--with the
resulting slap-fest. Cairo has lied, upon his "word of
honor," about not knowing Wilmer, but is there anything to
est that Wilmer was the boy in Constantinople? It seems
to be a red herring, and that Brigid is merely going in for
provocation (her final accounting says nothing about Wilmer's
having been dispatched with them to Constantinople, true?),
but her linking of "the boy outside" with the boy abroad
("unless he's the [same] one") confuses me as to what's being
implied in all the implication here: Spade or Brigid or Cairo
or Wilmer or the boy as what, "exactly"? Gutman's next
victim, after Thursby? or perhaps Gutman's agent--a sort of
tacit admission between Cairo and Brigid that really anybody
could be working for or with almost anybody else, especially
given their past collaborations and betrayals? or just what?
thanks for enlightment!
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