Here's how the author describes it on his website:
"Caught Stealing is the first book of the Henry Thompson
Trilogy. It tells the story of how Henry, a former high
school baseball superstar, now a bartender in NYC, gets
caught up with the wrong people in the wrong place at the
wrong time. Booze, gunplay, cowboys, surgical-staple-yanking,
barroom brawls, rock-n-roll, cat torture, and the San
Francisco Giants all figure prominently when Henry agrees to
sit a friend's cat for a couple days. Problem is, the friend
hasn't given Henry the full skinny on just what he's sitting,
and what he doesn't know can and will hurt him."
He also says:
"My books are warted. They are strewn with missteps and
errors in judgment and inconsistancies and far too many
fucking cuss words."
(from a terrific -- if typo-ridden -- blog post at:
--- In, vhend1234@... wrote:
> I must have misunderstood the comment. Since it's
not about
baseball, then I
> might give it a try!
> Vicki
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
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