Re : RARA-AVIS: Re:Best Contemporary Hardboiled Author?

From: andr頤ussolier (
Date: 03 Dec 2006

My list won't be very original...

Bruen Charlie Huston and you should put on the list Charlie Williams (I'm a huge fan of Royston Blake)

But where is Georges Pelecanos (for his books and for The Wire) ???????? AD

----- Message d'origine ---- De : Michael Robison <>
: Envoy頬e : Dimanche, 3 D飥mbre 2006, 20h21mn 18s Objet : Re: RARA-AVIS: Re:Best Contemporary Hardboiled Author?


            Dave Zeltserman wrote:

Charles Willeford--while he wrote from 50s to the 80s,

his writing is as contemporary as anyone's, and more

of his books are now resurfacing (and hopefully

Grimhaven will!)


I agree. I can't think of anyone who has approached

his best in the last ten years. James Ellroy wrote

The Black Dahlia in 1987. Cormac McCarthy wrote Blood

Meridian in 1992. I have read Crais and enjoyed him

but wasn't compelled to read more.

I've read very little hardboiled or noir written in

the last ten years that I've found truly outstanding.

Most contemporary writers in the genres are finished

for me after one novel.


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