Re: RARA-AVIS: Best Contemporary Hardboiled Author?

Date: 03 Dec 2006

I'm sure all these have been mentioned in the past, but just to make sure you know of them, I would go along with any of Jason Starr's novels, but Nothing Personal is my all-time favorite. Also, some other excellent people I've found recently are Ken Bruen, The Dramatist; Allan Guthrie, Two-Way Split; Dave Zeltserman, Fast Lane; and Anthony Neil Smith, The Drummer. Also, Daniel Woodrell's The Death of Sweet Mister is incredible, as well as all his others. These are not what you would expect in the classic definition of hard-boiled; they're the new classics, all completely different, but with the dark sensibility of the world that is so much more enticing than "normalcy." I could list
 many more, but I'll leave some for others. My bookshelves are groaning louder than ever since I joined Rara Avis, but I agree with Mae West--"Too much of a good thing is wonderful." Vicki

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