--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Moore"
<moorich@...> wrote:
> I don't think the choice of automobile is
necessarily an indicator
> politics or status in the real world. There are too
many variables
> that can go into that decision. When I was a kid in
rural Georgia
> was amazed at the number of people who beggared
themselves to drive
> an expensive car while they lived in a shack in
danger of falling
> down. Now you may stretch the term "political" to
cover their
> but no one seeing them on the road would have an
accurate indicator
> of financial status.
Years ago there was a bloke in my home town who lived in a
shitty hovel in the worst council estate. But that hovel came
with a lock-up garage. And in that garage he kept a
Lamborgini Countach. People loved that guy.
Personally, for years I drove cheap little "women's cars" (as
I was told they were by BMW-driving "real men" in the car
park) simply because they were offered to me at staggeringly
bargain prices at the right time. Does that make me a
feminist? Really, I'd be a bad feminist.
> The one place where your observation is most often
true is in
> fiction. Writers do often use the choice of
automobile to
> status of the character.
Definitely. I doubt if any writer takes that decision
Charlie Williams.
---------- charliewilliams.net
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