Mr T asked, "What exactly does the real present-day PI
************ I met up with a childhood friend of mine several
years after school and he was a private investigator. He said
he started doing divorce work but ended up on retainer to a
couple insurance companies doing insurance fraud. He told
with a gleam in his eye about a video he shot of the guy
standing in the back of a rowboat pulling and pulling on the
small outboard. The guy was off work collecting workman's
comp for a work-related back injury. My friend's name was
Allan Zimmerman. He always carried tons of school books home
on the bus and his dad had a yard full of old T-birds. He
said he had a lot of money in camera equipment.
Back on track, I read a contemporary Peter Temple detective
novel and them boys were doing corporate espionage. Sounded
good to me. And like Jack mentioned, they were doing a lot of
internet work, including breaking into passworded sites.
Incidentally, the Temple book was pretty damned good, in
spite of the author's tendency to politically stereotype. I
don't remember the name of it. Something black or dark in the
title, but that don't narrow it down much nowadays.
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