I'd try to be objective, Brian, about the object of my
literary [wo]man crush, but you're as likely to read more
Pelecanos as I am to read any more Lee Child. Relax. Read
something you like.
Joy, who just read her first Marcia Muller in many years, the
pleasant Point Deception
(she's got a new protagonist who does not have a boyfriend
you want to see get bumped off)
Brian Thornton wrote to Bob V: It might call for you to be
more objective about the object of your literary man-crush,
but then again, it's the only way I would be convinced to
spend another nickel on anything by George P. ("The Wire"
excepted. I think his work on that series is exemplary. It's
everything that his writing is not. I'd be thrilled to watch
anything scripted by George P. Pelecanos. Can't explain the
dichotomy, but there you have it).
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