--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "George Tuttle"
<noirfiction@...> wrote:
> I see the key problem discussing "film noir" in
course on the
> hardboiled genre is that film noir as conceived by
Nino Frank is not a
> genre, but a cinematic style that cuts across many
genres. That said,
> crime films in the 1940s didn't shun themes like
sexual obsession,
> loneliness, despair, and those qualities associated
with noir fiction.
Not to mention that, even if you took a lily-white script but
hired Cagney, Robinson and Mitchum, the thing would probably
turn noir. All it takes is for Cagney to look in both
directions, spit, chuckle, and start walking fast down the
sidewalk... cut to Robinson jabbering on the phone,
nervously, chuckling, saying allright kiddo, gotcha, and so
on. Noir was made by actors, too.
Almost off topic: Saw and greatly enjoyed Rudolph Matt駳
masterpiece D.O.A. Unforgivably, I had never seen the movie.
My 14-year old son, who loves the noir genre more than any
other, got it in a box of noir films in Paris. Superb stuff
(Tiomkin did the soundtrack, Matté ¤idn't do the photography
himself, but it is superb).
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