Re: RARA-AVIS: Noir Manifesto

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 28 Oct 2005

Very good and very insightfull not bother too much with The Eye of the Beholder film...sadly enough it is way below the book...I cannot agree more about more Derek Raymond¹s books which are very hard to find since that Factory series...also some Spanish writers need to be translated and some Scandinavian or German ones, which have found their ways on French bookstores shelves....

Montois de Dé´²oit

On 10/28/05 11:04 AM, "" <> wrote:

> I finally read Stansberry's Noir Manifesto. I must say I was impressed.
> And for pretty much the same reasons miker was skeptical.
> I have read, Auster's City
> of Glass trilogy, Manchette's two books that have been translated into
> English (damn, I wish someone would translate more), and I'd add Marc
> Behm's Eye of the Beholder (is the movie as bad as I've heard? I've
> steered clear of it), Derek Raymond's Factory series, Jack O'Connell's
> Quinsigamond series (does he have anything new on the horizon?), the
> best of Ken Bruen, among others. These writers are not messing with
> conventions for no reason, they just refuse to color inside of the lines
> just because someone said they should. And they're coming up with some
> very interesting pictures, not just because they are using new angles,
> but because of how those new angles offer a new perspective on and
> insight into that old "vital and viable story."
> Mark

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