Re: RARA-AVIS: Last try about Deadwood

From: Steve Novak (
Date: 13 Oct 2005

Two things:
-why did Ga묯Andr頄ussolier say ³badly² released about Deadwood upcoming stint in France???? it that the Œpublicit鹠for it is not good, effective, intelligent...?, or is it that the dubbing (and the actors chosen for the French spoken version) not good and possibly the translation lousy..?, is it the choice of program time (like 2AM for example?)...what is it that makes the French release bad...In any case one can say that the French subtitles of the 1st series Cd were quite good and gave a rather accurate version of both the stories and the Œflavour¹...

-for all of you Œnoir¹ afficionados, music lovers, and fans of Deadwood it is essential to note and be aware of the recent release in Australia (and presence at the Toronto film Fest) of a new film written by oz singer Nick Cave and directed by J. Hillcoat. This film takes place in the Australian outback and is a kind of dark western aussie style and several critics have mentioned The Wild Bunch as a measure of comparison...The film is called The Proposition and a very informative review can be found at: Everything that I have read about it and the small teasers on the net link it also to Deadwood...

Montois de Dé´²oit

On 10/12/05 8:04 AM, "andré ¤ussolier" <> wrote:

> Hey Jim,
> This is my last Shot. As I've told you before, I'd
> like to do a big article on Deadwood which is going to
> be released (badly) in France. And for that I'd love
> to talk to David Milch about his show.
> As you told me, I reached Leslie at HBO which told me
> to contact Paramount which... do nothing till now. I'm
> coming back to you just a last time to know if you
> have an other way to contact Mr Milch. Whatever is
> your answer, I promise I won't bother you with that
> anymore.
> See you on the list,
> Ga묊
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